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Meet our management team

The GES Energy team is our most valuable asset. Every specialist plays a key role in the successful execution of our projects. With experience, dedication, and passion, they ensure the high quality of the services we offer and the successful achievement of our clients’ goals.

Pencho Penchev

Senior Geodetic Engineer

Lachezar Atanasov

Fleet and Machinery Manager

Yoana Grigorova

Procurement Manager

Пенчо Пенчев

Старши Инженер Геодезист

Tsvetan Dimov

Head of Engineering

Stanislav Pandev

Project Manager

Nadya Hristova

Manager Key Clients

Simona Genadieva


Plamen Boev

Structural Engineer

Veronika Todorova

Geodetic Engineer

Mihail Georgiev

Technical Manager

Polina Petrova

Marketing Specialist

Simona Krumova


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Пенчо Пенчев, старши инженер геодезист, ГЕС

Pencho Penchev

Senior Geodetic Engineer

Eng. Pencho Penchev is a geodetic engineer with 10 years of experience in the field of geodesy for building construction and infrastructure projects. He completed his secondary education at the High School of Civil Engineering, Architecture, and Geodesy “Angel Popov” in Veliko Tarnovo, specializing in Construction and Architecture. He continued his higher education at the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering, and Geodesy (UACEG) in Sofia. Since 2020, he has held full design certification from the Chamber of Engineers in the Investment Design field.

Pencho joined GES Energy in the summer of 2022, where he focuses on surveying properties and buildings for the development of future photovoltaic plants and preparing geodetic design projects for our solar parks.

Лъчезар Атанасов, мениджър механизация, ГЕС

Lachezar Atanasov

Fleet and Machinery Manager

My name is Lachezar Atanasov, and I have over 20 years of experience in the fields of mechanization and finance. In October 2023, I took on the role of “Fleet and Machinery Manager” at GES Energy. In my professional field, success stems from the ability to embrace new methodologies and quickly adapt to them. With the dynamic nature of daily responsibilities, I have established myself as a seasoned professional, highly adaptable, and capable of making swift, informed decisions.

Йоана Григорова – Мустакерска, мениджър покупки, ГЕС

Yoana Grigorova-Mustakerska

Procurement Manager

Yoana is our Procurement Manager—a proven professional with over 13 years of experience in supply chain management and logistics.

She successfully organizes the processes related to material procurement, including researching and selecting suppliers, as well as coordinating transport services. Over the years, Yoana has developed strong skills in finding reliable external partners and transportation solution providers, contributing to the efficiency and sustainability of the company’s supply chain.

Yoana holds a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Technical University, with a specialization in Aviation (Level 5A). This education has given her an excellent technical background, which she seamlessly integrates into her daily operations.

Additionally, she is a certified internal auditor for quality and environmental management systems under ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. These certifications enable Yoana to maintain high standards of quality and sustainability in the company’s daily operations.

Dedicated to the efficient management of logistics and procurement processes, Yoana is always seeking opportunities to optimize and improve procedures.

Надя Христова, мениджър ключови клиенти, ГЕС

Надя Христова

Мениджър ключови клиенти

Надя Христова е нашият мениджър ключови клиенти и специалист по узаконяване на изградените фотоволтаични електрически централи в нашата фирма. Нейната работа включва ежедневна комуникация с ключови клиенти, общини, електроразпределителни компании и други институции, свързани с дейността на компанията. Надя притежава дългогодишен опит в сферата на узаконяване и успешно се адаптира в бързоразвиващата се индустрия на възобновяемата енергия. Нейната експертиза и способности за ефективна комуникация и координация играят ключова роля за успешното реализиране на проектите и осигуряването на съответствие с всички регулаторни изисквания.

Цветан Димов, главен инженер, ГЕС

Tsvetan Dimov

Head of Engineering

Tsvetan is a lead designer and electrical specialist with 18 years of experience in the design and construction of electrical installations and equipment. His expertise is focused on photovoltaic systems, local energy storage facilities (batteries), and infrastructure such as transformer substations and cable lines for connection to the electrical grid (EES). He holds a master’s degree in “Power Supply and Electrical Equipment” from the Technical University.

He is involved in the preparation of investment projects and the technical management of both internal and external electrical installations for residential, public, and industrial buildings. Tsvetan also has experience in preparing bills of quantities (BoQ) and specialized offers, ensuring precise project planning and budgeting.

Tsvetan is a member of the Chamber of Engineers in the Investment Design (KIIP) with full design qualifications.

Stanislav Pandev

Project Manager

Eng. Stanislav Pandev has been in the construction industry for over 7 years. He graduated with a degree in Applied Geodesy from UACEG, Sofia, in 2018, and holds full design certification in his field. He worked as an investor control specialist in building construction for four years.

Stanislav joined GES Energy in the fall of 2023 as a Project Manager. His responsibilities include overseeing, organizing, and controlling the entire process of constructing future photovoltaic power plants.


Надя Христова, мениджър ключови клиенти, ГЕС

Nadya Hristova

Key account manager

Nadya Hristova is our Key Account Manager and specialist in the legalization of the photovoltaic power plants constructed by our company. Her role involves daily communication with key clients, municipalities, electricity distribution companies, and other institutions related to the company’s activities. Nadya has extensive experience in the field of legalization and successfully adapts to the fast-evolving renewable energy industry. Her expertise and strong communication and coordination skills play a crucial role in the successful implementation of projects and ensuring compliance with all regulatory requirements.

Симона Генадиева, Счетоводител ГЕС

Simona Genadieva


Simona Genadieva is a specialist with over 10 years of experience in accounting, finance, and human resource management, holding a bachelor’s degree in business administration.

As an accountant at GES Energy, she handles a variety of administrative challenges and tasks related to financial management and reporting. Her work is characterized by its dynamic nature and high level of engagement, supported by her close collaboration with a team of young and motivated professionals.

Plamen Boev

Structural Engineer

Plamen Boev is a structural engineer with extensive experience in the design of residential, public, and industrial buildings. With his wealth of knowledge and experience, he has participated in the construction of nearly all photovoltaic power plants at GES, actively contributing to the preparation of structural assessments. Plamen is known for his attention to detail and his ability to manage complex projects while ensuring compliance with high standards of safety and quality.

Вероника Тодорова, инженер геодезист, ГЕС

Veronika Todorova

Geodetic Engineer

Veronika Todorova is a geodetic engineer with several years of experience in the field. She holds a master’s degree from the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering, and Geodesy and has limited design certification from the Chamber of Engineers in the Investment Design sector. She has been part of the GES team since 2022, with her main focus on geodetic surveying of buildings and properties, as well as preparing Geodesy-related projects for the design of photovoltaic power plants.


Mihail Georgiev

Technical Manager

Mihail is a specialist with over 15 years of experience in building electrical installations and structured cabling. He possesses excellent skills in organizing, planning, leading, and overseeing the work process, with a focus on efficiency and precision in execution.

In August 2024, Mikhail assumed the position of “Technical Manager” at GES Energy, where he is responsible for coordinating and managing technical teams. He plays a key role in the successful implementation of projects, thanks to his in-depth technical knowledge and leadership qualities.

Полина Петрова, маркетинг специалист, ГЕС

Polina Petrova

Marketing Specialist

Polina Petrova joined GES in the spring of 2024 in the role of marketing specialist. Her responsibilities involve communicating the value and expertise of our team across all digital channels. In addition to her marketing expertise, Polina brings years of professional experience in photography, videography, and overall visual media services. She also holds a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Management from the University of Manchester and a master’s degree in Entrepreneurship from the University of Liverpool.


Simona Krumova


Simona is an accountant with three years of experience in the field, and in the fall of 2024, she joined the GES team. She graduated with a degree in “Industrial Business” from the University of National and World Economy (UNWE), where she developed a solid understanding of economics and business. Currently, Simona is continuing her professional development by pursuing a master’s degree in “Accounting and Control,” aiming to deepen her skills and expertise in accounting.

Her responsibilities include managing accounting processes, financial reporting, cash flow control, and ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Полина Петрова, маркетинг специалист, ГЕС

Polina Petrova

Marketing Specialist

Polina Petrova is our marketing specialist. Her role at GES involves communicating the value and expertise of our team across all digital channels. In addition to her marketing expertise, Polina brings years of professional experience in photography, videography, and overall visual media services. She also holds a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Management from the University of Manchester and a master’s degree in Entrepreneurship from the University of Liverpool.